Let's make a difference with our differences

Our Profile

Founded in March 2015 and incorporated in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied matters Act in April 2015 as an incorporated trusteeship organization, Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI ) profiles itself as  a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization formed by and for Women, Girls, and Children with disabilities from various disability clusters. VDI advocates for the safeguarding of the rights of persons with disabilities and the inclusion/mainstreaming of disability-friendly issues into government strategy for the purpose of accommodating and providing for the social security, welfare, and empowerment of women, girls, and children with disabilities

VDI Objectives

  • To Influence Implementation of the Discrimination Against Persons with Disability (Prohibitions) Act 2018.
  • To enhance public awareness on the provisions of the Disability Act across public and private sectors.
  • To support sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls with disabilities.
  • Promote inclusive education in both public and private school

VDI's Vision & Mission Statement

VDI's Vision

A Nigerian society where the needs and rights of women, girls, and children with disabilities are guaranteed without discrimination.

VDI's Mission

To advocate for the protection of rights of women, girls, and children with disabilities, and mainstreaming of disability-Inclusive programs into government strategy in Nigeria


VDI team is motivated by four Core Values that have shaped the way we work with communities;

  • COMMITMENT: Solid Commitment to Beneciaries, Partners, and Donors.
  • TRUST: Keeps Trust with Beneficiaries, Partners, and Donors.
  • PARTNERSHIP: Fostering Partnerships with Beneficiaries, other OPDs, NGOs, Institutions, Government, and Donors.
  • PASSION: Strong Passion for Justice, Inclusion for growth. Gender Equity, Accessibility

VDI Thematic Areas of Focus

By recognizing multiple challenges faced by women, girls and children with disabilities, therefore, Voice of Disability Initiative decision to focus its work on five thematic areas aimed at addressing underlining factors that drives discrimination and exclusion against Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) at large.

The five thematic areas, in our view when robustly pursued, will engender the enabling environment that supports the following outcomes;

Rights of PWDs - Women, Girls and Children with Disabilities

VDI raises awareness on protection of the rights of women, girls and children with disabilities through community-based education, advocacy campaigns targeted at elected officials, key public institutions and regulatory agencies to ensure that offenders are punished as deterrents to similar crimes.......
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Inclusive Education

VDI ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access in an accessible learning environment for all clusters of disabilities. This also ensure that persons with disabilities do not suffer any form of discrimination or stigmatization from other citizens in the course of learning.....
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Gender Based Violence is a reoccurring challenge among women and Girls with disabilities in Nigeria with most incidences unreported due to lack knowledge, fear of....
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Sexual Reproductive Health - Ensure access to medical facilities by women and girls with Disabilities, mensural and hygiene management; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).....
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Access to improved livelihoods by women, girls, and children with disabilities, mainstreaming market system development (MSD), improved life-skills, knowledge and access to finance and capacity to earn income that sustains them and....
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There is much to do and achieve in the Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI ) you can get involved by;

Become a Volunteer

As a Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI ) volunteer you will help us achieve our goals by creating a real difference in the lives of the needy & vulnerable people and their families. 

Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI )  presents a lot of volunteering opportunities depending on your interests, skills and experience. Follow below to find out about the different things our volunteers do, how volunteering works and how to apply.

Donate to our Cause

Material, Financial and other Resources donations of any size help fund our mission. Support Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI ) today by donating to our causes.
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VDI Activities & Reports

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