…As ED Challenges PWDs To Showcase Ability In Disability, Prove Naysayers Wong

The Executive Director of Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI) Bar. Edeh Catherine Chinyere has urged persons living with disabilities (PWDs) to do all they can to acquire sound education and entrepreneurial skills.

Bar. Chinyere who spoke to Inclusive News Network (INN) on the recent engagement of VDI in implementation of UN-EU Spotlight Initiative on Ending Violence against Women and Girls in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), urged members of the disability community to rise against their challenge and prove naysayers wrong.

“For PWDs, Keep pushing, refuse to be sidelined or left behind. Struggle to overcome the challenges of disability through acquiring sound education or entrepreneurial skills. Build yourself and prove naysayers wrong.

“Refuse to take ‘No’ for answer. Wherever doors are closed against you, work towards ensuring those door are opened. Changing the narrative starts from you. When they see disability, show them ability,” she said.

Speaking on VDI’s implementing work with Women Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative (WRAPA) on UN-EU Spotlight Initiative on Ending Violence against Women and Girls in FCT, she said it was a rare honour to be so recognised.

“They left every other non disable people organization working on women issues and picked VDI to be their implementing partner for FCT. Even though we do not get fund as implementing partner apart from facilitation fee given at their Spotlight programs we facilitate, out of which we still settles sign language interpreter engagement, the recognition was worth it,” an elated Chinyere said.

She added that partnering with WRAPA as implementing partner for FCT on the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative has been a ground-breaking impact to her as a person and to VDI, adding that irrespective of being a person with disability, Spotlight spotted her for impact not only to affect the lives of People With Disabilities (PWDs) but also to project disability inclusion in the system, so that beneficiaries and others connected to the project are empowered with first hand practical experience on disability inclusion.

She said in such way, the beneficiaries are challenged to apply same in their various callings, aimed at building viable, inclusive and formidable society where no one is left behind- a dream, she said, she has always pushed for.

“The partnership has also provided me with opportunities to network with several CSOs, traditional rulers/community leaders and WRGs within the FCT through this project.

“But most importantly, enabled me to build greater professional capacity in the women rights activism angle without narrowing it to only women with disabilities, and enabled VDI to bud under the mentorship of the experienced and committed WRAPA team,” she added.

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