The sweltering Adamawa heat was so palpable that you could cut through it with a knife. The sun was dazzling bright and one had to squint on going outside.

These were not enough to deter the team of Voice of Disability Initiative, who had set out on Tuesday, 4th of May 2021 on a door-to-door sensitization, market and open space campaign/sensitization to facilitate amplification of voices of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, and Violence against Women and Girls/Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights that leaves no one behind.

The Team was led by the energetic Team lead, Barrister Catherine Edeh-Nnaji, accompanied by Dr Ijeoma Nnodim, Blessing Ini, Aliyu Mai, Mahmud Bakari, Godiya Simon, Chinemeze Nnaji, Linda, Ibe, a security agent (an officer of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps).

VDI team arrived the Jimeta Modern Market dressed in matching yellow and blue T-shirts with the logo of UN Women Spotlight Initiative and VDI and END GENDER BASED VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES inscription at the back.

The team first went to the office of the market leader to inform him and solicit support. Alhaji Ahmed Hamman in his own words gave “100% support” and encouraged the team to proceed.

The team proceeded round the market with Godiya Simon leading the way with her motorcycle specially customized for the physically challenged and bedecked with posters and flyers on SRHR, GBV prevention etc.

With a large banner, a megaphone, hausa and sign language interpretation, the public were educated about prevention of gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities, sexual and reproductive health rights and other similar topics.

IEC Materials including posters, stickers with different messages, flyers etc all numbering over 400 were distributed. Some of the happy audience pasted the stickers on their shops and vehicle.

The team members also went individually into some of the shops and engaged on one-on-one and door to door sensitization with the people. Some of the market women asked questions and the team responded.

After going round the market for some hours, the outreach was concluded and the team was satisfied that they have taken the message of SRHR to people at the Market and surely the message would also extend from there.

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