Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI) on Wednesday 23rd of June 2021 in Abuja engaged students with disabilities and their teachers in school for the Deaf Kuje in Mentorship session.

It was part of activities of VDI project on Inclusive Education supported by Disability Rights Fund (DRF).

The objective of the session was to address the challenges faced by students with disabilities, especially those with visual or hearing impairment, analyze the service available and them to achieve their fullest potentials.

The Executive Director, VDI, Barr. Catherine Edeh in her opening speech said that the main reason for this mentorship session at selected special schools to analyze services available, mentor and motivate students with disabilities and build confidence and self-esteem.

Mr Abdulrazzaq Suraju Ademola (Principal FCT school for the Deaf Kuje) in his goodwill message appreciated VDI for choosing their school in the mentorship session, he encouraged the students to pay attention to the mentorship. He said that it will help build the student capacity and self-confidence, he also appreciated the teachers for the things they do and encourage them not to relent in their work, that they should keep up the good work.

Douglas Izuu educated the students and their teachers on staying positive in the midst of challenges, he also taught them that disability should not be a barrier for them in achieving their goal and having a fulfilled life rather they should learn from their experiences and also talk to an expert when they face any difficulty or challenges.

Barr. Catherine Edeh educated the students on how to aspire to achieve their fullest potentials, she shared her experiences of how she went to school and encouraged them to participate fully in school activities and they should not get distracted.

The students asked questions and shared some of their taughts.

Alhaji Abubakar D. Mohammed Gomani Special Needs Unit, desk officer, FCT UBEB in his closing remark appreciated teachers of FCT school for the Deaf kuje, the students and VDI for encouraging the students. He further stated that the students should be of good behaviour and have good moral conduct, respect their teachers and the school staff, school rules and regulations and understand that disability is not the end of life rather they should be good ambassadors of the school and disability community at large.

TQM learnt that VDI will be at FCT School for the Blind, Jabi, Abuja on Thursday 24th June, 2021 to continue the mentorship of students with disabilities.

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