VDI Strengthens Collaboration With FIDA

On 26th of February 2024, Voice of Disability Initiative (VDI) paid a Courtesy, Advocacy, and Collaborative Visit to the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) National Headquarters, Abuja.
With unwavering determination and professionalism, VDI representatives led by the Executive Director Barr Edeh Catherine C and the Program Manager Mr Edward Ogenyi were warmly received by the esteemed members of FIDA’s leadership team led by Mr Fikili Obaro on behalf of the country’s Vice President Barr Amina Suzanah Agbaje
During the deliberations, VDI articulated the pressing challenges confronting women with disabilities in accessing justice, healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. Through compelling advocacy, Barr Catherine emphasizes the imperative for inclusive legal frameworks and policies that uphold the dignity and rights of every woman, irrespective of ability.
In the spirit of collaboration, VDI and FIDA engaged in constructive dialogue to identify synergies and strategic interventions aimed at addressing the forms of discrimination faced by women with disabilities. From joint advocacy campaigns to capacity-building initiatives, both organizations committed to leveraging their respective expertise and networks to effect tangible change.
FIDA reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to supporting the shared values of promoting gender equality and justice, and pledged to further intensify in promoting the voices of women with disabilities and champion their inclusion across all spheres of society.

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